expert witness service
I provide a skin camouflage expert witness service for rehabilitation companies and solicitors who are dealing with personal injury and accident claims for clients.
I have completed the Bond Solon Excellence in Report Writing Course by Cardiff University.
I provide medico-legal reports for the court in camouflage makeup otherwise known as skin camouflage.
Contact Phil Briggs at [email protected]
The service includes a consultation with the injury/accident client in which a full assessment is given. Clients can be seen in Clapham, South West London or 152 Harley Street, Central London. I can also travel to other locations for a consultation (extra costs incurred).
This includes a skin colour match service to obtain the best skin camouflage or camouflage makeup product or products to assist in concealing the problem area and a full application master class for the client.
An expert witness skin camouflage report is then provided stating observations, the products required, how often they will need to be purchased and the full costs of this.
I am a fully vetted member of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses and The Expert Witness Institute. I am also a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers. I am fully insured by Ntegrity Insurance and am DBS checked quarterly.
For rates and bookings please use the contact page of this website or call me direct on 07970 175514. Alternatively you can email me at [email protected]
I have completed the Bond Solon Excellence in Report Writing Course by Cardiff University.
I provide medico-legal reports for the court in camouflage makeup otherwise known as skin camouflage.
Contact Phil Briggs at [email protected]
The service includes a consultation with the injury/accident client in which a full assessment is given. Clients can be seen in Clapham, South West London or 152 Harley Street, Central London. I can also travel to other locations for a consultation (extra costs incurred).
This includes a skin colour match service to obtain the best skin camouflage or camouflage makeup product or products to assist in concealing the problem area and a full application master class for the client.
An expert witness skin camouflage report is then provided stating observations, the products required, how often they will need to be purchased and the full costs of this.
I am a fully vetted member of the UK Register of Expert Witnesses and The Expert Witness Institute. I am also a member of the Association of Personal Injury Lawyers. I am fully insured by Ntegrity Insurance and am DBS checked quarterly.
For rates and bookings please use the contact page of this website or call me direct on 07970 175514. Alternatively you can email me at [email protected]
IMPORTANT INFORMATION regarding desktop reports
With skin camouflage expert witness reports, the client must be seen in person before a practitioner can give an accurate estimate of which colours can help to cover a scar as a result of an accident or injury. There are hundreds of colours available and most people require at least two. This results in thousands of colour options. The colours required and how many of them can in no way be guessed at using a photograph or a video. Skin camouflage reports written desktop style therefore have to contain multiple caveats explaining every estimate is a guess and will change if the client is seen in person. If the skin camouflage practitioner was asked to back up the findings of the report they would have to admit it was all guessed at as they didn't test the products directly on the skin. This in most cases renders the report invalid or at the least, very inaccurate.
If I am asked to provide a desktop report in skin camouflage using only photographs or video and without meeting the client, I state that this is not possible. I am increasingly being asked by instructing bodies to provide a full report after seeing the client even though one or both of the parties has already paid for a desktop report elsewhere. Attempting to save money on a case by having desktop reports can work in some fields of expertise. But within skin camouflage the client must be seen and products tested directly on the skin with before and after photographs taken in order for it to give accurate estimates and make it a valid report for the court.
If I am asked to provide a desktop report in skin camouflage using only photographs or video and without meeting the client, I state that this is not possible. I am increasingly being asked by instructing bodies to provide a full report after seeing the client even though one or both of the parties has already paid for a desktop report elsewhere. Attempting to save money on a case by having desktop reports can work in some fields of expertise. But within skin camouflage the client must be seen and products tested directly on the skin with before and after photographs taken in order for it to give accurate estimates and make it a valid report for the court.

A skin graft (left) has caused red scarring around the edge of the graft and different toned skin in the centre. A yellow toned skin camouflage cream was used to cover the outer red scar while a pink tone needed to be lightly stippled over the centre resulting in the scar's reduced appearance (right). This could not have been guessed via a desktop report.
in the process of claiming for an accident or personal injury?
If you are claiming for a personal injury or accident which has left you with a scar or blemish, your solicitor can add the cost of a camouflage consultation and subsequent product costs to your claim.
I can provide you with a full camouflage consultation in which your resulting condition can be assessed. Following this I can advise on how best to cover or reduce the appearance of the problem using camouflage makeup or skin camouflage products. I will then write a full skin camouflage expert witness report for the court via your solicitor or rehabilitation company detailing the products and the cost of purchasing them now and in the future. You will also receive a fully personalised information sheet listing all recommended camouflage makeup or skin camouflage products, any tools recommended and a reminder of the application techniques.
If your solicitor has not advised you of this please ask them to contact me to enquire about arranging a consultation for you. Consultations are in Clapham or Harley Street London. I can also travel to other locations for a consultation (extra costs incurred).
I can provide you with a full camouflage consultation in which your resulting condition can be assessed. Following this I can advise on how best to cover or reduce the appearance of the problem using camouflage makeup or skin camouflage products. I will then write a full skin camouflage expert witness report for the court via your solicitor or rehabilitation company detailing the products and the cost of purchasing them now and in the future. You will also receive a fully personalised information sheet listing all recommended camouflage makeup or skin camouflage products, any tools recommended and a reminder of the application techniques.
If your solicitor has not advised you of this please ask them to contact me to enquire about arranging a consultation for you. Consultations are in Clapham or Harley Street London. I can also travel to other locations for a consultation (extra costs incurred).